EIT Brand Promise and Positioning:

With 40 years of experience providing ICT products and networking services to the telecommunications industry in Canada, you can rest assured that our solutions are intelligently designed, extremely effective, easy to maintain, and future proof. By adding Canadian content to global products by distribution and provision of 24/7 in-country support services fully supported by our world class supply partners, EIT effectively provides the ideal mix of engineer, furnish, install, and technical support services to solve the most challenging project requirements. Guided by knowledge and focused on performance, you’ll find our people to be very insightful, openly approachable, and highly responsive.


Why Choose EIT?

Everything we do for our clients is…

Intelligently Designed

When you need to be certain that your communications networking solutions best meet your business requirements, you’ll want to know that your EF&I partner has a systematized process for introducing innovation planning, eliminating unnecessary risk, and designing solutions that evolve and adapt to ever-changing market demands. To accomplish this, it will be important that you partner with a firm that clearly understands your vision, challenges traditional thinking, and intends to be there for you well beyond project implementation.
At EIT we believe that everything we do must be better by design. And it is for this reason that we’ve developed a comprehensive system for informing and evaluating the effectiveness of every networking solution that we design. Thinking in terms of a better way, you can rest assured that our team of industry veterans will come up with the ideal solution to achieve your vision. When you engage EIT, you get the very best of our client services, engineering, product, installation, and network support groups. Working as a unit, we hold each other accountable for your success – the ultimate measure of our success.

Extremely Effective

When your communications networking project needs to effectively meet your current requirements, give you room to grow, and work within very real financial constraints; you’ll want to make certain that the solution you choose is intelligently designed, easily scalable, and aggressively priced. To accomplish this, it will be important that you partner with a firm that is product agnostic, focused on the bottom line, and is known for designing solutions that consistently exceed expectations.
At EIT, our focus is on developing solutions that meet your exacting requirements, anticipate future demands, and ensure you get the most out of your investment – now and in future. We accomplish this by employing research that keeps us out front of the technology, challenging our thinking at all points in our process, and leveraging multiple global product partners to your advantage. The rigor that goes into our turnkey solutions guarantees you get optimal performance, operational efficiencies, and flexible pricing.


Easy to Maintain

Well before you implement any communications-networking project, you’ll want to have the confidence of knowing that your solution will work just as well three (3) years from now as it does three (3) months from now. To accomplish this, it will be important that you partner with a firm that can access the best products in the world, provides 24/7 in country support services, and was intimately involved at every stage of the projects design and development.
EIT networking solutions are designed to meet the unique communications needs of the Canadian market. Our EF&I recommendations are based on global industry insights, local market intelligence, and the best technology the world has to offer. So when it comes to maintaining your networks, you get best of breed product support backed by highly trained Canadians, offering 24/7 local and in-field support services. Solutions design by Canadians, for Canadians.


Future Proof

Keeping up with today’s ever changing technology can be a daunting task for any service provider. Couple that with often unexpected software upgrades and how quickly the value of technology depreciates; and even the most straightforward project can pose downstream risks that many might not have predicted. To mitigate this risk, it will be important that you partner with a firm that truly understands your business, is well versed in product lifecycles, brings a wealth of industry expertise, and builds contingency planning into all of its solution development processes.
EIT’s market intelligence and support partners work hand-in-glove to ensure that your networking solutions are designed based on today’s needs and tomorrows expectations. At EIT, we work closely with our global manufactures to develop an intimate understanding of the products that we furnish. At the same time, our market intelligence team sources and leverages both Global and Canadian market research to deliver decision critical insights to our solution recommendations. Together, we work harder so that you can work smarter.

For further information and sales quotation on any of our products please contact:

Jason White
President & VP Sales
(905) 625-4545 x210
Darryl Brambilla
IT / Technical Assistance Group Manager, Sales & Services
(613) 342-9652 x227